Resource Assessment - Methods and Models
Soil quality rating for cropland in Germany 1:1,000,000 (SQR1000)
Source: BGR
Soils represent an important resource which is limited and which cannot be simply increased upon demand. The pedosphere regulates the dynamics of important elements for life; it acts as a filter for contaminants and thus cleans the atmosphere and hydrosphere; it guarantees the supply of food and forage. There is a constantly increasing pressure and demand for soil as a resource to function properly, especially under the pressure of the growing earth population. The development and application of sustainable management practices have become of utmost importance because they harmonize and optimize the various soil functions as a producer, natural resource, habitat, filter and transformator. The latter became important in connection with the recent focus on man-made greenhouse gases. There is an agreement, even internationally that extensive knowledge about the distribution of soils and its properties is needed in order to cope with these challenges.
BGR has developed this focus on soil as a resource with the aim to study the potential of soils for different uses. Models are being developed which help to investigate hazards such as wind and water erosion, compaction, loss of organic matter, salinisation and other degradative processes and contamination.
BGR wants to contribute to the development of integrative and sustainable management systems. This objective especially applies to agricultural practices e.g. crop selection, irrigation and drainage. It also includes the development of scenarios and strategies how soils respond to different environmental conditions such as climate change. The optimization of resource management is an important element of the National Sustainability Strategy. It includes urban areas as well.
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