Collaboration with China on the isolation of radioactive waste in geologic repositories
Country / Region: China
Begin of project: January 1, 2002
End of project: December 31, 2025
Status of project: December 10, 2024
Fracture network model based on the results of surface mapping, geophysical logging, and fracture investigations
Source: BGR
BGR has been involved in a scientific exchange programme with BRIUG (Beijing Research Institute for Uranium Geology) in China since 2002. BRIUG is responsible for the site selection and exploration of a Chinese geologic repository for radioactive waste.
The scientific co-operation with BRIUG comprises the following areas of research:
- Geological, hydrogeological and geophysical investigations for site characterisation,
- Stability investigations of planned underground facilities,
- Investigating the mechanical and hydraulic properties of granite at the Beishan location,
- Characterising the geotechnical barrier (bentonite).
The underground research tunnel in Beishan, photographed during the 3rd Chinese-German workshop in 2017
Source: BGR
Current works involve bilateral data analysis and comparative model calculations. An intensive exchange of findings and experience takes place during workshops and joint scientific publications.
The basis of the co-operation is a joint declaration of intent (JDol) between the former German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in Germany (BMWi), now Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMVU) for reasons of responsibility and the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). The aim of this JDoI is to co-operate in the field of nuclear safety and geologic repository research for both countries.
China has been involved in a nation-wide search for a geologic repository site for high-level radioactive waste since 1985. The government is currently deliberating on proposals for site exploration in granite and in claystone. A favoured location is in crystalline rock in Beishan (Gobi desert). A comprehensive and intense investigation programme involving more than 40 deep boreholes has been undertaken there since 2000. The plans to construct an underground laboratory in this region will also make it possible for German scientists at BGR to carry out wide-ranging research in the potential host rock granite.
Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology (BRIUG)
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)
Various research institutes / universities in China and Germany