Deployment of GOLDEN EYE on R/V PELAGIA during the INDEX 2015 cruise
Source: BGR
Golden Eye is a new and unique deep-sea electromagnetic sensor system to investigate seafloor massive sulfide deposits. The name is motivated by the bright yellow instrument platform made from glass-fibre reinforced plastic with a diameter of 3.5m. The platform hosts the horizontal concentric electromagnetic loop system developed by the Department of Geophysics at Bremen University. Data analysis allows interpretation of electrically conductive and magnetic features down to about 20 m below seafloor.
Concept and components of the GOLDEN EYE electromagnetic sensor system
Source: BGR
Also, DC-geoelectrical, self potential, and induced polarization measurements can be conducted with Golden Eye. This includes installation of a CSEM signal generator, and electric source and receiving dipoles on the instrument platform. A CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth)- sensor and broadband magnetometer provide physical parameter required in the data analysis. Golden Eye is equipped with video cameras, LEDs, altimeter, sonar, and acoustic positioning to obtain ground-thruthing seafloor images and to safely navigate the platform to the sea bottom. Real-time data transfer and power supply are realized via the opto-electrical deep-tow cable to the telemetry unit mounted on the Golden Eye platform.
Within the INDEX project Golden Eye is used for the exploration and evaluation of seafloor massive sulfide deposits in the German license areas in the Indian Ocean.
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