Mining and Sustainability
Rehabilitation of a former tin mining area in Indonesia
Source: BGR
As one of the world’s largest mineral consumers, Germany imports mineral resources from more than 160 countries. Responsible management of mineral resources is based on sound and efficient mining practice in producer countries that contributes to sustainable development. Furthermore, it needs due diligence and responsible practice of all actors of the associated supply chains. The BGR conducts research and acts as an advisor to the government, industry and broader society as well as partners in development cooperation on the following issues:
Good Mining Practice / Responsible Mining
- Mine inspections, regulations and guidelines for mining authorities (e.g. in Myanmar und Laos)
- Formalisation of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), mineral certification (e.g. in the DR Congo, Great Lakes Region (ICGLR))
- Environmental issues in mining, mine closure and rehabilitation (Indonesia, Andean Region)
- Efficiency in mining and processing, economic evaluation of mining waste (e.g. Chile)
- Evaluation of the resource potential (Mongolia, Mozambique)
- Carbon footprint of mining
Responsible Mineral Supply Chains
- Concepts and studies on environmental, social and governance standards in mining as well as on voluntary initiatives (e.g. certification in mining, assessment of water-related risks in mining)
- Advice and support for the development and implementation of standards and regulations) for due diligence in mineral supply chains (e.g. EU regulation on due diligence in mineral supply chains, certification in ASM, traceability in mineral supply chains, international responsible sourcing initiatives)
- Research on environmental and social aspects of criticality assessment
We work in international fora on the development and implementation of sustainability standards and international guidelines in the mineral sector, such as the OECD multi-stakeholder working group on due diligence in mineral supply chains from conflict-affected and high risk areas. A prominent international forum of governments and their mining-related ministries is the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) which fosters sustainable development and capacity building worldwide. The BGR acts as the forum’s national focal point for Germany and additionally supports the IGF through its development cooperation.
Studies and publications (selection):
- Assessment of the Effects of Global Digitalization Trends on Sustainability in Mining (2020). Part I: Digitalization Processes in the Mining Industry in the Context of Sustainability. Part II: Evaluation of Digitalization Trends and their Effects on Sustainability in the Global Mining Sector
- Mapping of the Artisanal Copper-Cobalt Mining Sector in the Provinces of Haut-Katanga and Lualaba in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2019)
- Handbook for Best Available Practice in Onshore Alluvial Tin Mine Reclamation in Indonesia: Lessons Learned from the Air Kundur 3 Pilot Project, Bangka Belitung Province (2019)
Presentations (selection):
- Responsible Cobalt Sourcing and the DR Congo (2020)
- Current developments on requirements and initiatives to demonstrate responsible mining practice (2020)
- Initiatives and Information to Assess Sustainability in Mining (2019)