BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Mine Waste Reports

In order to identify and characterise raw material potentials, mining residues from raw material extraction, processing and smelting are investigated and evaluated using a wide range of methods (mineral residuals). The research includes historical and modern mine waste dumps from Germany and around the world, which often still contain considerable amounts of valuable materials. Another goal is the ongoing development of analytical and evaluation methods, especially with regard to the resource-efficient use of secondary raw materials, which includes the assessment of possible pollution potentials. In addition to numerous scientific publications in international journals, the following additional products have been produced by BGR in cooperation with other partners.

Mining, Processing and Smelter Dumps ‒ Handbook for Exploration and Recovery Methods for Secondary Raw Material Deposits

Mining, Processing and Smelter Dumps ‒ Handbook for Exploration and Recovery Methods for Secondary Raw Material Deposits

Residues from mining, processing or extraction/smelting of raw materials can be a source of previously unrecovered raw materials, including high-tech metals. The compendium "Mining, Processing and Smelter Dumps - Handbook for Exploration and Recovery Methods for Secondary Raw Material Deposits" describes various methods for exploration and investigation of mining dumps with regard to the recovery of valuable materials, especially metals and metalloids. These methods have been applied by partners from science and industry within the framework of three research projects of the BMBF funding program r3 (financed by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF) between 2012 and 2016. The compendium includes methods for exploration, visualisation, sampling, analytics, as well as processing and recovery of valuable materials.


Leitfaden: Natürliche Schadstoffminderungsprozesse an Bergbaukippen/-halden und Flussauensedimenten

Leitfaden: Natürliche Schadstoffminderung an Bergbaukippen/-halden und Flussauensedimenten

Sub-surface natural degradation and retention processes can significantly slow down the spread of pollutants and thus reduce environmental hazards. These processes were investigated in detail within the framework of the BMBF funding program “KORA” (financed by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF between 2002 and 2008). Relevant for mining residues is the guideline "Natural pollutant reduction processes at mining dumps/heaps and alluvial sediments". It contains basic information on natural pollutant reduction processes in lignite dumps, ore mining dumps and alluvial sediments, gives recommendations for the investigation and evaluation of natural pollutant reduction processes at such sites, and presents investigations and results from individual sites.



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