Pilot Cooperation Exchange on the Sustainability of Tin Mining in Indonesia
Country / Region: Asia, Indonesia
Begin of project: May 9, 2017
End of project: June 30, 2019
Status of project: June 25, 2019
The project’s pilot area for reclamation on Bangka Island, Indonesia
Source: BGR
Next to China, Indonesia is the world’s largest tin producer. German tin imports from Indonesia represent one quarter of its total imports of refined tin. Tin mining in Indonesia is focused on the “tin islands” of Bangka and Belitung. Both formal as well as informal mining, the latter implemented as artisanal and small-scale mining activities, contribute to the national tin production. While formal mining activities are subject to regulatory reclamation requirements, informal mining causes unmitigated landscape and ecosystem degradation. Without reclamation, disturbed areas show low potential for subsequent forestry or agricultural activities. Deforestation in former mining areas increases erosion and triggers flooding risks in other areas. Parts of tin mining concessions that have been reclaimed after termination of formal mining activities may subsequently be disturbed by informal mining of residual tin. Therefore, reclamation is one of the central sustainability challenges associated with Indonesian tin mining.
The project „Pilot Cooperation Exchange on the Sustainability of Tin Mining in Indonesia” represents a cooperation between BGR and Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The project aims to foster knowledge sharing among participants with regards to sustainable reclamation practice. Project implementation partners include the Provincial Government of Bangka Belitung, the national tin mining company PT Timah, universities as well as a local community and community development organization. The project aims to mobilize and disseminate the reclamation expertise of different Indonesian stakeholders.
The pilot project has the following key objectives:
- Reclamation of a pilot area of 18.7 ha size that has been disturbed by informal tin mining on Bangka Island
- Development of a Handbook for Best Available Practice in the Reclamation of alluvial tin mining (onshore)
- Promoting knowledge exchange on reclamation among Indonesian partners and BGR
Workshop on Bangka in order to foster knowledge exchange on reclamation, Indonesia
Source: BGR
Reclamation of the pilot area comprises both technical as well as socio-economical aspects. As such, the project contributes to environmental protection while also supporting the economic development perspective of the local community that engages in managing the reclaimed area.
Partner: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia