BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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The experimental investigations of specific processes during transport, injection and geological storage in the other work packages provided validated data/information, e.g. on interdependencies and control factors of different processes, to the whole-chain model. In the work package “Recommendations”, results from other work packages were synthesised. The synthesis of results formed the basis for feasibility studies of the whole process chain CO2 generation – capture – transport – injection – geological storage. For this, key processes were identified along the process chain that are i) essential for the feasibility of CO2 transport, injection and storage and ii) significantly impacted by the CO2 stream composition and/or its variability. Furthermore, specific aspects were identified for special consideration at the transfer points between capture and transport as well as between transport and storage. Finally, (exclusion) criteria were suggested and recommendations were set up for limiting the variety and the concentrations of impurities in CO2 streams (definition of "minimum composition thresholds") in the whole CCS process chain.

A summary of project results and the derived recommendations can be found in the Synthesis Report.

In a webtool developed in cooperation with the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HsH), key results and the set-up recommendations are presented.
(Note: This webtool is not optimised for mobile devices. Optimum functionality can be experienced when using Microsoft Edge (version 89 or higher) or Google Chrome (version 88 or higher) at full HD resolution and a zoom factor of 100 %!)

Start screen of webtool about results of CLUSTER project

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