Burundi - Management and Protection of Groundwater resources
Country / Region: Burundi / Africa
Focal Point: Groundwater
Begin of project: October 1, 2014
End of project: September 30, 2022
Status of project: October 10, 2022
Water is drawn from a well
Source: BGR. Foto: Matthias Baier
Information update on current situation:
In response to recent political developments in Burundi, since June 2015, the The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has suspended all activities under its bilateral development cooperation with Burundi that involve cooperation with the government. The project activities have been adapted accordingly.
A large part of the Burundian population has currently no access to clean drinking water. Natural springs are the main sources of water supply in the country. These groundwater-fed sources provide approximately 90 % of all drinking water. The protection of these sources and their catchment areas are of high importance for the long-term preservation of groundwater resources. Any strategy or programme for resource protection will require an assessment of available groundwater resources and of potential geogenic and anthropogenic contamination, which considers the changes in socio-economic and climatic conditions.
The BGR project “Management and Protection of Groundwater Resources in Burundi” is integrated into the national water and sanitation programme “PROSECEAU (Programme Sectoriel de l’Eau et de l‘Assainissement)” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). As part of the project, BGR supports the relevant Burundian authorities in the development of groundwater resources, the implementation of source protection measures and the preparation of sector strategies, water management plans and regulations.
So far, the knowledge about the groundwater resources of Burundi is very limited. An improved understanding of the quantity, quality and spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater resources is an essential prerequisite to achieve the project objective: a betterment of the water supply for the Burundian population as part of an integrated water resources management.
The planned project activities will address different levels of the problem. Hydrogeological field investigations, site-specific studies and measurement points will help to provide more information about the water resources below the surface. A nationally uniform measurement network will lead to a holistic understanding of the groundwater potential and the impacts of water abstraction, thus resulting in an accordingly management by the water suppliers. To this end, partners are trained in the processing, evaluation and interpretation of relevant data sets from measuring points and regular monitoring of water quality is institutionalised.
If the groundwater quality is found to be suitable for use and volumes sufficient, the project supports relevant authorities and suppliers with the installation of pumping wells and observation boreholes, with the construction of supply systems and the definition and declaration of source protection zones. This has already been achieved to some extent, but is to be expanded further, i. a. in cooperation with GIZ. Particularly in the northern region of Burundi and the capital Gitega the supply with potable water is critical, which makes them focus areas for intervention. Additionally, actions take place in eastern and central Burundi.
Awareness raising measures illustrate the importance of groundwater protection for sustainable safeguarding of water supplies. Groundwater and spring protection has already been enshrined in law and will now be measured against its practical applicability and adapted where necessary.
Project contributions:
- Burundi – Management and Protection of Groundwater Resources
- Groundwater Geophysics in Burundi to support the Technical Cooperation Project
- TC Burundi: Management and Protection of Groundwater Resources
Factsheet: Management and protection of groundwater resources in Burundi
MEEATU (Ministère de l'Eau, de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Urbanisme), IGEBU (Institut Géographique du Burundi)