BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Dr. Georg Houben

Dr. Georg Houben

Employee of Sub-Department 2.3
Groundwater Resources - Quality and Dynamics

Tel.: +49-(0)511-643-2373
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-532373

Visiting address:
Stilleweg 2, Room No. B905
30655 Hannover

Tasks and Field of Resarch

  • Groundwater quality and hydrogeochemical modelling
  • Flow and transport through low-permeability media
  • Ageing and rehabilitation of water wells

Current Projects

Scientific Career

1988 - 1995RWTH Aachen, Geology, MSc (Dipl.-Geol.)
1991 - 1992University of Hawaii at Manoa, integrated study abroad program
1995 - 2001RWTH Aachen, IML Labor für Geochemie und Umweltanalytik, PhD
1995 - 2001Bieske & Partner Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, Lohmar
2001 - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
2007 - 2010Co-director technical cooperation project groundwater protection Paraguay

Selection of Publications

Houben, G. & Treskatis, C. (2007): Water well rehabilitation and reconstruction.- 391 S.; New York (McGraw Hill Professional). ISBN: 0-07-148651-8

Houben, G. & Wagner, F. (2007): Hyperfiltration of nickel sulphate solutions through silty sandstone and its effect on hydraulic conductivity.- Applied Geochemistry 22 (9): 2029-2044; Oxford (Elsevier)

Houben, G.; Niard, N.; Tünnermeier, T. & Himmelsbach, T. (2009): Hydrogeology of the Kabul basin (Afghanistan), part I: aquifers and hydrology.- Hydrogeology Journal 17 (3): 665-677; Berlin (Springer).

Houben, G.; Tünnermeier, T.; Eqrar, N. & Himmelsbach, T. (2009): Hydrogeology of the Kabul basin (Afghanistan), part II: groundwater geochemistry.- Hydrogeology Journal 17 (4): 935-948; Berlin (Springer).

Meleshyn, A.; Azeroual, M.; Reeck, T.; Houben, G.; Riebe, B. & Bunnenberg, C. (2009): Influence of (calcium–)uranyl–carbonate complexation on U(VI) sorption on Ca- and Na-bentonites.- Environmental Science & Technology 43 (13): 4896-4901; Washington (American Chemical Society).

Houben, G. & Weihe, U. (2010): Spatial distribution of incrustations around a water well after 38 years of use.- Ground Water 48 (1): 53-58; Westerville (NGWA).

Complete List of Publications since 2007 (Geoportal of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Search Results)

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